Overview: BuckEye, PGSS, PSUAS, and SeaPort-E
Over the past decade NEANY has become a significant force in special surveillance and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) programs. Today, NEANY serves as prime on several major Special Surveillance Programs (SSP). These include advanced sensors and systems development and deployment, and Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems (PGSS). The disparate life-cycle of these types of programs necessitates a comprehensive approach with processes and people capable of meeting the needs of multiple task requirements simultaneously.
NEANY provides engineering support and services; modeling, simulation, and analysis (MS&A); development, prototyping, and limited quantity procurement (LQP); test and evaluation (T&E); logistics and deployment support for both CONUS and OCONUS; configuration management; spares and repair parts and field support; life-cycle program management; and training support. We construct an operational organization, which uses a multi-faceted approach to the task assignment considering location, schedule constraints, expertise, experience, and discipline. Our commitment is to ensure that every task is completed in an efficient manner by the most qualified and talented individuals.

NEANY was awarded a prime contract in 2007 to integrate and flight test the 235 pound BuckEye LIDAR system on the Arrow. BuckEye received the 2006 Army Invention of the Year Award.
Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems (PGSS) combine cutting-edge, high-tech detection sensors with a low cost platform: a common aerostat or blimp.
Persistent Surveillance Unmanned Aerial Systems (PSUAS) are used to provide surveillance when faced with austere conditions. These systems were specifically designed for use in high conflict areas and to overcome all terrain and weather conditions.
SeaPort-e is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management.