Misssion Statement
NEANY is an industry leader in providing time-sensitive tactical response solutions. Our ability to incorporate advanced technologies into unmanned systems quickly, and effectively transition them into operational systems, is the hallmark of our business base. The NEANY team is dedicated to creating next generation tactical surveillance aeronautical solutions designed to support the war-fighter and protect and secure our homeland.

Quality Assurance Program
At NEANY we focus on achieving world-class performance in everything we undertake. This means that all task orders under all contracts will be given the same quality treatment as all previous contracts. Second-to-none, our quality program includes Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement.
We have determined and developed the parameters necessary for a world-class Quality Assurance Program beginning with Mission Statement and ending with our business plan. Utilizing the tenets of Quality Function Deployment and Quality Systems Management, we focus on every aspect of our business, relentlessly adhering to quality performance and customer satisfaction. Our subcontractors are brought under the same quality umbrella to ensure that our culture of quality at NEANY is evident throughout.
Our focus involves impeccable customer satisfaction, business excellence, and continuous improvements ensured by means of management reviews, customer feedback, and 360 degree audits. Our quality consciousness is evident at all organization levels.